"The woods are lovely dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep." ~~Robert Frost

February 27, 2010

I don’t believe that Robert Frost was talking about an endurance event when he penned these words in his poem! I’m quoting Frost in today’s post because those whose lives are afflicted with blood cancers have “miles and miles” of hardship that they must endure before going into remission. Research funding is needed to increase the survival rate and find a cure- thanks to all who have contributed toward my goal; you are helping me keep my promise to LLS to raise awareness and money to fund research! To my anonymous donors: I have no way to expressing my gratitude except through this blog, so I hope you are reading this entry.

This morning marked week #3 of our training. It was 50 degrees when I arrived at Kennedy Park at 6:30 AM! Our team consists of individuals at different stages of athletic abilities, but one thing we all certainly have in common is SPIRIT! Everyone was cheerful and just ready to start off our hour of training. I walked with Coach Joe and another teammate and when the time was up, I felt like I could have gone on walking for another hour. Yeah, I’m building stamina! I’m working on skill. Skill? One needs skill to walk? Oh yes, we do!!!

Please continue to visit my web page (see link on right) to track the progress of my fundraising goal! The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society is counting on your generosity. Little Dominic(our honored teammate)and all others diagnosed with blood cancers are counting on you.

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